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Call an REST API before closing window (React)

I am creating a React App which creates a user when the user access the app and deletes that user from the database when the user closes the browser or reloads. For backend I have used Mongodb and Nodejs. I have tried using unload and beforeunload event listeners but it doesn't seem to work. Can someone help me

The best way you can do is to have a polling mechanism from the backend to check if the window is still open. Here are 2 solutions that I can think of:

  1. Make a websocket connection from the window to server. If the socket is closed => window is closed (Firebase uses this method for its onDisconnect )
  2. Use a setInterval to periodically send a ping (through REST API) to the backend. If the backend no longer receives ping, that means the window is closed.

Additionally, you can assign a random ID to each window. It will help to detect the case where users still open the window, but they lose connection.

React Client executes "componentWillUnmount" before exit. ALWAYS.


So call the server clean-up API there.

As Dan reminded me, this method is not reliable. The proper way to do this is to implement sessions on the node/express side with express-sessions, so once the user session expires, their entire user entry in the session storage is nuked.

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