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VueJS child to parent boolean value for hide component

Hi all and thank for helping:)

Context: In my child i want pass a boolean to the parent for hidden a component in the parent if user clicked

in my child component ( name: connexionDesktop ):

<button v-on:click="$emit(childMessage)"> Start </button>

data () {
  return { 
    childMessage: true

in the parent i try:

<connexionDesktop v-if="fromChild == false " v-on:childToParent="childMessage"> </connexionDesktop>

data () {

methods: {
    childMessage (value) {
       alert('from child' + value );
       this.fromChild = value

but that's not working... i think i am a noob:D i can't send a message from child to parent ^^""

can you help me? thank a lot

As it's stated in the docs on $emit here , the first parameter is the custom event name.

You can do something like this:

<button v-on:click="$parent.$emit('childToParent', childMessage)"> Start </button>

data () {
  return { 
    childMessage: true

and in the parent:

<connexionDesktop v-if="fromChild == false " v-on:child-to-parent="childMessage"> </connexionDesktop>


data () {

methods: {
    childMessage (value) {
        alert('from child' + value );
        this.fromChild = value


The first argument for the $emit method should be the event name. So your code should look better like this:

// child component
 <button v-on:click="handleClick"> Start </button>

export default {
   data () {
     return { 
      childMessage: true
   methods: {
    handleClick() {
      this.$emit('update:parent', this.childMessage)


Then in the parent component, you listen for the event and pass in the value the child emitted to a local value of the parent like so:

   <connexionDesktop v-if="fromChild == false" @update:parent="fromChild = $event"> 

export default {
   data () {
    return {
     fromChild: false

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