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How can I pass 'Query Params' from a .razor page to .cshtml page in ASP.NET Core Blazor


I am trying to pass Query Params from a razor page to login.cshtml page. But I am not able to receive the Query Params


I have razor component ForgetPassword.razor . It has a function UpdatePassword which is given below:

private async Task UpdatePassword()

   //The logic to be updated password will be implemented here
   //After user password has been updated then we need to redirect to login.cshtml page with a query param. I am using NavigationManager to redirect to login.cshtml page

    var query = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "message", "The password was successfully changed" } };
    _navManager.NavigateTo(QueryHelpers.AddQueryString("/login", query));           

Now when I am directed to the login.cshtml page. I am using the function OnGet to receive parameters. When I am directed towards the login.cshtml page through ForgetPassword.razor . The function is called but the message is always null .

public async Task<IActionResult> OnGet(string message)

     //Some logic related to message here 

However If I am on login.cshtml page and manually enter QueryParams in URL tab like:


I do receive the message.

Kindly help me with this problem.



The problem has been solved. I changed the function to _navManager.NavigateTo(QueryHelpers.AddQueryString("/login", query),true);

This enables force-reload to true.

many thanks for your help

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