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How to use two models in asp.net mvc on a View?

I have two models and i am struggling to use them on my View for my Form. Any mate who can help me to clarify this better? My logic is as below:

// Two model class here.

    public class RoleViewAndFileViewModel
        public RoleViewModel RoleViewModelData { get; set; }

        public FileViewModel FileViewModelData { get; set; }

//View class
@using eNtsaRegistrationTraining.Models

    ViewBag.Ttile = "Dashboard";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_HomeLayout.cshtml";

In a view, you declare your model like @model YourClassName

For exemple, if your model is a list of string, you declare like

@model List<string>

and then, you can use your model in your view like:

@foreach(string s in Model)
  <div> @s </div>

But, if in your case you need two type of object, you can add a class which contains as parameter your two objects and use it in your view as model like this:

namespace MyMVCapplication
 public class MyModelMV
    public MyFirstClas MyFirstClassProp { get; set; }
    public MySecondClass MySecondClassProp { get; set; }

 public class MyFirstClas
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }

 public class MySecondClass
    public double Width { get; set; }
    public double Height { get; set; }
    public string Code { get; set; }

And in your view:

  @model MyModelMV

And than you can access to your objects like


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