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Vim autocmd for FileType not working indirectly

I have a custom ~/.vimrc I made with this augroup :

augroup filetype_vim
    autocmd! BufWritePost .vimrc* source %
    autocmd FileType vim |
      setlocal foldlevel=0  foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}
augroup END

When I open vim directly to edit the ~/.vimrc like this: vim ~/.vimrc , the folding works as expected, I can fold {{{ marker:

:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=marker

When I open vim without specifying a file: vim , and then trying to edit: :e ~/.vimrc , the foldmethod is different!

:set foldmethod?
> foldmethod=syntax

Which obviously comes from a different part of my vimrc.

Why doesn't it recognizes the file type when I open the file indirectly?

You've failed with VimScript syntax. Must be

 autocmd FileType vim
  \ setlocal foldlevel=0  foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}

What you did instead is

autocmd FileType vim <nothing> | <nothing>
setlocal foo bar

Therefore setlocal applies to the current buffer only (ie command-line argument), not to anything else.

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