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Laravel LDAP (Adldap2) Can't authenticate,username is null into guard->attempt

Morning, I keep getting the message "A username must be specified." when trying to login my app. Connection to LDAP is OK, sync also, in my database/table users i see all username with password. But can't login with anyone username. Trying to dd($username) into LoginController, "guard()->attempt" show me "null". Thanks for your help !

My version

Laravel Version: ^7.0
Adldap2-Laravel Version: ^6.1
PHP Version: ^7.2.5



my ldap.php


return [

    'logging' => env('LDAP_LOGGING', false),

     'connections' => [

        'default' => [

                  'auto_connect' => env('LDAP_AUTO_CONNECT', true),

                  'connection' => Adldap\Connections\Ldap::class,

               'settings' => [

               'schema' => Adldap\Schemas\OpenLDAP::class, 

               'account_prefix' => env('LDAP_ACCOUNT_PREFIX', ''),

               'account_suffix' => env('LDAP_ACCOUNT_SUFFIX', ''),

              'hosts' => explode(' ', env('LDAP_HOSTS', 'corp-dc1.corp.acme.org corp-dc2.corp.acme.org')),

               'port' => env('LDAP_PORT', 389),

               'timeout' => env('LDAP_TIMEOUT', 5),

                'base_dn' => env('LDAP_BASE_DN', 'dc=corp,dc=acme,dc=org'),

                'username' => env('LDAP_USERNAME', 'username'),
                'password' => env('LDAP_PASSWORD', 'secret'),

                'follow_referrals' => false,

                'use_ssl' => env('LDAP_USE_SSL', false),
                'use_tls' => env('LDAP_USE_TLS', false),





my ldap_auth


return [

     'connection' => env('LDAP_CONNECTION', 'default'),

    'provider' => Adldap\Laravel\Auth\DatabaseUserProvider::class,

    'model' => App\User::class,

    'rules' => [

        // Denys deleted users from authenticating.


        // Allows only manually imported users to authenticate.

        // Adldap\Laravel\Validation\Rules\OnlyImported::class,


    'scopes' => [

        // Only allows users with a user principal name to authenticate.
        // Suitable when using ActiveDirectory.
        // Adldap\Laravel\Scopes\UpnScope::class,

        // Only allows users with a uid to authenticate.
        // Suitable when using OpenLDAP.
        // Adldap\Laravel\Scopes\UidScope::class,


    'identifiers' => [

        'ldap' => [

            'locate_users_by' => 'uid',

            'bind_users_by' => 'distinguishedname',


        'database' => [

         'guid_column' => 'objectguid',

            'username_column' => 'username', //'email',


        'windows' => [

            'locate_users_by' => 'samaccountname',

            'server_key' => 'AUTH_USER',



    'passwords' => [

        'sync' => env('LDAP_PASSWORD_SYNC', false),

        'column' => 'password',


    'login_fallback' => env('LDAP_LOGIN_FALLBACK', false),

    'sync_attributes' => [

        //'email' => 'userprincipalname',

        'username' => 'uid', 

        'name' => 'cn',


    'logging' => [

        'enabled' => env('LDAP_LOGGING', true),

        'events' => [

            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\Importing::class                 => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogImport::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\Synchronized::class              => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogSynchronized::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\Synchronizing::class             => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogSynchronizing::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\Authenticated::class             => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogAuthenticated::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\Authenticating::class            => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogAuthentication::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\AuthenticationFailed::class      => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogAuthenticationFailure::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\AuthenticationRejected::class    => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogAuthenticationRejection::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\AuthenticationSuccessful::class  => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogAuthenticationSuccess::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\DiscoveredWithCredentials::class => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogDiscovery::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\AuthenticatedWithWindows::class  => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogWindowsAuth::class,
            \Adldap\Laravel\Events\AuthenticatedModelTrashed::class => \Adldap\Laravel\Listeners\LogTrashedModel::class,



my loginController


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;

use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use App\Providers\RouteServiceProvider;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\AuthenticatesUsers;

class LoginController extends Controller
    | Login Controller
    | This controller handles authenticating users for the application and
    | redirecting them to your home screen. The controller uses a trait
    | to conveniently provide its functionality to your applications.

    use AuthenticatesUsers;

     * Where to redirect users after login.
     * @var string
    protected $redirectTo = RouteServiceProvider::HOME;

     * Create a new controller instance.
     * @return void
    public function __construct()

    public function username()
        return 'username';

Been through this pain myself.

It looks like you are connecting to LDAP with your service account, but I don't see where you are logging the authenticated user into Laravel . Do your users have to supply a username and password on a screen somewhere? If not, how do you grab the user and log them in to Laravel?

The way I did this in the businesses that had to go through LDAP was to have the normal Laravel login page, but a middle method within the login controller which sent a message to LDAP through the service account with the PW. If this succeeded, then login with Laravel's standard method. Basically just check the PW against LDAP and then log in rather than checking against the Laravel DB.

Example code - this will vary wildly but can give you an idea of what might work:

  if(env('LOGIN', false) === 'LDAP'){
        $ldap = new \App\Http\Controllers\ClientSpecific\BaseLDAPController();
        $username = $request->input('username');
        if($ldap->authenticate($username, $request->input('password'))){
            return $this->sendLoginResponse($request);
    }else {
        if ($this->guard()->attempt($credentials, $request->has('remember'))) {
            return $this->sendLoginResponse($request);

I know this is an old question, but I was still facing this issue even in 2020 and it took a lot of my time. Actually the problem is very silly if you are also trying to bind an OpenLDAP server with your Laravel application using Adldap2-Laravel package. Adldap2-Laravel is by default configured for Microsoft's Active Directory. But for OpenLDAP, we need to properly change the Identifiers array as follows..


return [

     // configurations settings...

    'identifiers' => [

        'ldap' => [

            'locate_users_by' => 'uid', // changed from userprincipalname

            'bind_users_by' => 'dn', // changed from distinguishedname


        'database' => [

         'guid_column' => 'objectguid',

            'username_column' => 'username', //'email',


        'windows' => [

            'locate_users_by' => 'samaccountname',

            'server_key' => 'AUTH_USER',



    // rest of the configurations...


Do tell me if my answer is not clear for new comers since I'm also a newbie. I'll try to explain the solution further better:)

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