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How do I change colour of inbuilt toolbar icons in tinymce editor(v 5.1.2)

I'm using some of the options provided by tinymce in toolbars like alignLeft, alignRight etc. which will display it in black color. I want to just change the colour of the icon provided with it.

Please let me know how to do it?

PS My editor code:

            selector: "textarea",
            paste_data_images: true,
            automatic_uploads: true,
            plugins: [
              "lists table link image paste help wordcount code autoresize",
              "undo redo | formatselect | bold italic forecolor | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | image help",


Simple with soms css

.tox .tox-tbtn svg {
    fill: #ff0000!important;

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