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How to do ErrorHandling using catchError RxJS Operator in Angular?

I'm new to Angular/Typescript and using catchError RxJs. I'm also using.subscribe and pipe operators. I would like to use observable as much as possible, combining it with RxJS operators. On submission of my form, frontend calls the API and a new product gets created and would like to have proper error handling for Error Codes of 400 and 500 using HttpErrorResponse. I wrote below code but not sure if I'm doing the error handling correctly as I get the below error (see bottom).


onSubmit(): void {
    if (this.form.valid) {
        console.log('Creating product:', this.form.value);
        this.http.post('/api/create', {
            productName: this.form.value.productName,
        }).pipe(catchError(err => {
            if(err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.status == 500 || err.status == 502 || err.status == 503) {
                this.err = "Server Side Error";
                return throwError(err);;
            else if(err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.status == 400){
                this.err = "Bad Request";
                return throwError(err);;
            } else if(err instanceof HttpErrorResponse && err.status == 422){
                this.err = "Unprocessable Entity - Invalid Parameters";
                return throwError(err);;
            resp => this.onSubmitSuccess(resp), err => this.onSubmitFailure(err)
    this.formSubmitAttempt = true;

private onSubmitSuccess(resp) {
    console.log('HTTP response', resp);
    this.productID = resp.projectID;
    this.submitSuccess = true;
    this.submitFailed = false;

private onSubmitFailure(err) {
    console.log('HTTP Error', err);
    this.submitFailed = true;
    this.submitSuccess = false;


app.component.ts - error TS2339: Property 'err' does not exist on type 'AppComponent'.

app.component.ts:124:16 - error TS2339: Property 'subscribe' does not exist on type 'OperatorFunction'.}).subscribe(

To solve your issue, I have modified the code and shown below.

      onSubmit(): void {
    if (this.form.valid) {
        console.log('Creating product:', this.form.value);
        this.http.post('/api/create', {
            productName: this.form.value.productName,
        }).pipe(catchError(errorResponse=> {

        const err = <HttpErrorResponse>errorResponse;

        if (err && err.status === 422) {
           this.err = "Unprocessable Entity - Invalid Parameters";
                return throwError(err);            
        } else if (err && err.status === 400) {
                this.err = "Bad Request";
                return throwError(err);;      
        } else if (err && err.status === 404) {
          this.err = "Not found";
                return throwError(err);;    
        } else if (
          err &&
          (err.status < 200 || err.status <= 300 || err.status >= 500)
        ) {
            this.err = "Server Side Error";
                return throwError(err);;
            resp => this.onSubmitSuccess(resp), err => this.onSubmitFailure(err)
    this.formSubmitAttempt = true;

I would suggest creating a common exception service that handles any exception. You should separate the outgoing API calls to a separate service and then use that in your component. It will be easy to read and maintain the code. Try the below code logic.

import { HttpErrorResponse } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';

export class ExceptionService {
  constructor(private toastService: ToastService) {}

  catchBadResponse: (errorResponse: any) => Observable<any> = (
    errorResponse: any
  ) => {
    let res = <HttpErrorResponse>errorResponse;
    let err = res;
    let emsg = err
      ? err.error
        ? err.error
        : JSON.stringify(err)
      : res.statusText || 'unknown error';
console.log(`Error - Bad Response - ${emsg}`);
    return of(false);

In your service, you can create a post method like this

saveEntity(entityToSave: EntityToSave) {
    return <Observable<EntityToSave>>(
      this.http.post(`${postURL}`, entityToSave).pipe(
        map((res: any) => <EntityToSave>res),
        finalize(() => console.log('done'))

From your component, call the service which handles the exception

   this.yourService.saveEntity(entityToSave).subscribe(s => {
       //do your work... this get called when the post call was successfull

I hope it solve your issue.

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