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Why am I missing some of indexes in list when I print by its equivalent negative indexes in python?

list2 = ["money heist" , [2] , 1, 0.045, (5*3), -18%(-6*2), 0.345]


list2[-5] = "Game OF Thrones"


output as follows:

['money heist', [2], 1, 0.045, 15, -6, 0.345]
['Game OF Thrones', 0.045, 15, -6, 0.345]

What happened to [2] and 1 ??


In the line:

list2[-5] = 'Game of Thrones'

you replaced the 3rd (fifth from the back: -5 ) entry 1 with 'Game of Thrones' .

Then, with


you start printing from the fifth last element onwards ( -5: ), which means your output is correct. [2] is not printed since it's skipped, and 1 is changed to another value.

Let's break it down:

list2 = ["money heist" , [2] , 1, 0.045, (5*3), -18%(-6*2), 0.345]

print(list2[0:]) will obviously print the whole list, because the index starts at 0 .

Calling list2[-5] = "Game OF Thrones" will overwrite the fifth last, or in this case,
third element of the list into "Game OF Thrones" .

So you get list2 = ["money heist", [2], "Game OF Thrones", 0.045, (5*3), -18%(-6*2), 0.345]

Finally, when you run print(list2[-5:]) ,
you tell python to print everything from the list starting at index 2 (the third element) :

["Game OF Thrones" , 0.045, (5*3), -18%(-6*2), 0.345]

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