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How to switch the src attribute of the img element back into jquery?

I created a script that changes an image when you click a button. The problem is with clicking again, because the src attribute remains the same. I would like after clicking again the source of the photo to go back to the initial src. I tried to do it using toggle method, but with positive effect.

My code:

        $('.logo').attr('src', 'http://domena.com/logo-1.jpg');

I tried to solve it that way, but I failed.

                function() {
                    $(this).attr('src', 'http://domena.com/logo-1.jpg');
                    $(this).attr('src', 'http://domena.com/logo-2.jpg');

You can pass the URL of new image in an attribute of <img> , then you can get the current image ie src and next image( data-new ) and interchange their values, like so -

 $(document).ready(function(){ $('#button').click(function(){ let curr_img = $('.logo').attr('src'); // get current image let new_img = $('.logo').attr('data-new'); // get new image to be shown $('.logo').attr({'src': new_img, 'data-new': curr_img}); // interchange their values }); });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <:-- give next values as an attribute ie data-new here--> <img src="https.//w7.pngwing.com/pngs/247/564/png-transparent-computer-icons-user-profile-user-avatar-blue-heroes-electric-blue:png" class="logo" data-new="https.//image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/21/21104:svg" style="width; 150px: height; 150px;"> <br> <button id="button">Toggle image</button>

Hope it helps you.

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