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How to add more child page link to Breadcrumb function in Wordpress?

I have a subpage (child page) as a parent page as well, but the page link not appear on breadcrumb. The breadcrumb structure should be "Home > About Us > Information > Title Page" instead of "Home > About Us > Title Page" .

How do I fix that? should I add a code to my current breadcrumb function?

And here is the breadcrumb function in my website:

 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

function get_breadcrumb() {
    global $post;
    echo '<a href="'.home_url().'" rel="nofollow">Home</a>';
    echo ' / ';
        if (is_category() || is_single()) {
            the_category(' / ');
            if (is_single()) {
                echo ' / ';
        } elseif (is_page()) {
                $anc = get_post_ancestors( $post->ID );
                $title = get_the_title();
                foreach ( $anc as $ancestor ) {
                    $output = '<a href="'.get_permalink($ancestor).'" title="'.get_the_title($ancestor).'">'.get_the_title($ancestor).'</a> /';
                echo $output;
                echo '<strong title="'.$title.'"> '.$title.'</strong>';
            } else {
                echo '<strong> '.get_the_title().'</strong>';
    elseif (is_tag()) {single_tag_title();}
    elseif (is_day()) {echo"Archive for "; the_time('F jS, Y');}
    elseif (is_month()) {echo"Archive for "; the_time('F, Y');}
    elseif (is_year()) {echo"Archive for "; the_time('Y');}
    elseif (is_author()) {echo"Author Archive";}
    elseif (isset($_GET['paged']) && !empty($_GET['paged'])) {echo "Blog Archives";}
    elseif (is_search()) {echo"Search Results";}

Thank you..

elseif( is_page() ){
    $items = [];
    $items[] = '<strong> '.get_the_title().'</strong>';
    $page = &$post;
    while( $page->post_parent ){
        $items[] = '<a href="'.get_permalink($page->post_parent).'" title="'.get_the_title($page->post_parent).'">'.get_the_title($page->post_parent).'</a> /';
        $page = get_post($page->post_parent);
    $items = array_reverse($items);
    echo implode('/', $items);

// FYI I recomend you to find dimox_breadcrumbs , it has configured all you need already

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