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Why not my vue component not re-rendering?

I have a question why not this component, not re-rendering after changing value so what I'm trying to do is a dynamic filter like amazon using the only checkboxes so let's see I have 4 components [ App.vue, test-filter.vue, filtersInputs.vue, checkboxs.vue]

Here is code sandbox for my example please check the console you will see the value changing https://codesandbox.io/s/thirsty-varahamihira-nhgex?file=/src/test-filter/index.vue

the first component is App.vue;

  <div id="app">
     {{ test }}
    <test-filter :filters="filters" :value="test"></test-filter>

   import testFilter from "./test-filter";
   import filters from "./filters";
   export default {
      name: "App",
      components: {
      data() {
          return {
              filters: filters,
              test: {},

so App.vue that holds the filter component and the test value that I want to display and the filters data is dummy data that hold array of objects. in my test-filter component, I loop throw the filters props and the filterInputs component output the input I want in this case the checkboxes.


 <div class="test-filter">
       v-for="filter in filters"
  <p class="test-filter__title">
    {{ filter.title }}
  import filterInputs from "./filterInputs";
   export default {
      name: "test-filter",
      components: {
         filters: {
          type: Array,
          default: () => [],
         value: {
          type: Array,
          default: () => ({}),
           // Check if there is a array in checkbox key if not asssign an new array.
             if (!this.value.checkbox) {
                 this.value.checkbox = [];

so I need to understand why changing the props value also change to the parent component and in this case the App.vue and I tried to emit the value to the App.vue also the component didn't re-render but if I check the vue dev tool I see the value changed but not in the DOM in {{ test }}. so I will not be boring you with more code the filterInputs.vue holds child component called checkboxes and from that, I emit the value of selected checkbox from the checkboxes.vue to the filterInputs.vue to the test-filter.vue and every component has the value as props and that it if you want to take a look the rest of components I will be glad if you Did.


    v-if="filterType == checkboxName"
  export default {
      props: {
        value: {
           type: Object,
           default: () => ({}),
        options: {
           type: Array,
           default: () => [],
     methods: {
       checkboxChanged(value) {
          this.$emit("checkboxChanged", value);


    v-for="checkbox in options"
     {{ checkbox.title }}
  export default {
     props: {
       value: {
          type: Object,
          default: () => ({}),
       options: {
          type: Array,
          default: () => [],
     methods: {
       checkboxChange(event) {
         this.$emit("checkboxChanged", event.target.value);

I found the solution As I said in the comments the problem was that I'm not using v-model in my checkbox input Vue is a really great framework the problem wasn't in the depth, I test the v-model in my checkbox input and I found it re-render the component after I select any checkbox so I search more and found this article and inside of it explained how we can implement v-model in the custom component so that was the solution to my problem and also I update my codeSandbox Example if you want to check it out.

Big Thaks to all who supported me to found the solution: sarkiroka, Jakub A Suplick

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