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Azure App Service - docker-compose file issues

I have some issues with deployment.

When I run command below to push configuration it pushes corrupted data:

az webapp config container set --resource-group ${AZURE_RG_NAME} --name ${AZURE_APP_NAME} --multicontainer-config-type compose --multicontainer-config-file deploy/docker-compose.yml

As I see, sent encoded data (as base64) cannot be decoded properly:

    "value": "COMPOSE|dmvyc2lvbjogjzmncnnlcnzpy2..." //here

When I try to dump base64 file, encoded by myself, it decodes correctly. I have checked encoding for both files and these are UTF-8.

This is how it looks in azure configuration page.


I have talked with Azure support about this and they have confirmed the bug and a release is on its way. Here is a bug report and link to the fix: https://github.com/Azure/azure-cli/issues/14208

Now known ETA for the deploy, but the support engineer guessed around the beginning of August.

In the mean time, we have worked around this bug by pasting the contents of the Docker Compose file under "Container Settings" in the Azure Portal.

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