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When does the booted() method of an Eloquent model get called?

I am trying to add a simple closure-based global query scope:

// Order.php

protected static function booted()
    static::addGlobalScope('test', function ($query) {
        $query->where('amount', '>', 50);

However, when I execute Order::toSql() only this SQL statement is generated: "select * from "orders"" , but not the additional constraint that I added in the global query scope.

Also, the greatest debugging tool of all time ( dd() statement) is not being executed, which might be an indication that the booted method is not being called.

So what have I done wrong? I did exactly what the documentation says . When does the booted() method get called?

The boot method name is changed to booted only in the last version of Laravel ( 7.x ), so be aware of this, otherwise it won't work.

Keep in mind always to set the version of Laravel you are using on the documentation (on the top right corner there is a dropdown where you can select the version)

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