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Typescript auto-complete not working in VSCode

I'm trying to make use of Puppeteer within a ts file which works fine except the VSCode Intellisense stops working a soon as I'm inside a.ts and not a.js file. I've seen some posts about this incident but none could help me. What I did:

  • created a project via npm init
  • installed dependencies as follows:
"dependencies": {
"@types/node": "^14.0.14",
"events": "^3.1.0",
"puppeteer": "^4.0.1",
"typescript": "^3.9.5" }

  "devDependencies": {
"puppeteer-tsd": "0.0.2"  }
  • created tsconfig.json

     "target": "es5", "lib": ["es2015", "dom"], "outDir": "./dist", . . . "include": ["src", "node_modules/puppeteer-tsd/src/index.d.ts"]
  • created src and dist folder

  • put a main.ts inside my src

  • told VSCode to use the project TS version instead of its own

Then I compiled. Everything works fine. But I get no IntelliSense to help me out while I type. So I created a.js file in my src directory, copied the code from my main.ts inside it and then I got Intellisense to work perfectly fine with all suggestions and so on. And I have no idea left what I could try except accepting it and code without it. I'd be greatful for any suggestions on what could be the issue. Thx in advance!

Edit : Meanwhile I found out, that it works fine with non imported functions like console.log(). It's only Puppeteer (or probably any imported module).

Edit 2: Heres a Link to my Log File.

Apart from VSCode's TypeScript language features provided by the extension vscode.typescript-language-features that needs to be functional, your imports must be correct for built-in or packaged ( @types/x ) type declarations of modules to be considered.

import/require :

import x = require('x');

Gives you type awareness but is valid only in TypeScript.

const/require :

const x = require('x');

Also valid In TypeScript but does not give you type awareness; x will be of type any .

For more information on module imports, see this question .

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