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gnuplot histogram : negative values go down instead go up

I try to generate a histogram plot with gnuplot. I have positive and negative values. Positive values go to the top of the chart, but negative values go to the bottom of the chart.. I would like to change the base for go up and go down 价值下降 from 0 to -100 for example.

Maybe, it's not the good type of graphic to do that?

I have tried this:

gnuplot -e "set terminal png size 20000, 1500; set yrange [-100:*]; set title 'VU meter 0'; set style data histogram; set style histogram clustered gap 1; set style fill solid 1 noborder; plot 'testVUmeter0.tsv' using 2:xticlabels(1)" > out.png


You can calculate a new y value at each point, taking into account some wanted offset. For example, setting bot=-20 to give a bottom y value of -20 you can refer to ($2-bot) to convert, say, -5 to -5-(-20)= 15` above 0.

set terminal png size 400,300
set output "out.png"
set style data histogram
set style histogram clustered gap 1
set style fill solid 1 noborder
set yrange [0:*]
set ytics  ("-10" -10-bot, "0" 0-bot, "10" 10-bot, "20" 20-bot, "30" 30-bot)
plot "data" using (($2)-bot):xticlabels(1) notitle,  \
     ""  using 0:($2+3-bot):(sprintf("%d",$2)) with labels notitle

with data of

1 33
2 44
3 22
4 -12

gives the plot:


As far as I know the plotting styles histogram and with boxes always start at y=0. Assuming I understood your question correctly, you want to shift this zero level eg to -100. As long as you do not need an advanced histogram style but just simple boxes, one possible solution could be to use the plotting style with boxxyerror . Compared to @meuh's solution, here, gnuplot automatically takes care about the y-tics.


### shift zero for boxes
reset session

$Data <<EOD
A   -20
B  -140
C   100
D  -340
E  +250 
F     0

myOffset = -100
myWidth = 0.8
set style fill solid 1.0

set arrow 1 from graph 0, first myOffset to graph 1, first myOffset nohead ls -1
set style textbox opaque

plot $Data u 0:2:($0-myWidth/2.):($0+myWidth/2.):(myOffset):2:xtic(1) w boxxyerror notitle, \
     '' u 0:2:2 w labels boxed notitle 
### end of code



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