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How to scrape a new page using puppeteer?

I tried to scrape Reddit using puppeteer and Node.js. There is my code, where I:

  1. open a page for Reddit's main page,
  2. Get all posts.
  3. For each post I get the link to its content page.
  4. Open a new page for each content page.
  5. Scrape each content page.
const puppeteer = require("puppeteer");

const self = {
  browser: null,
  page: null,

  initialize: async () => {
    browser = await puppeteer.launch({
      headless: false,
    page = await browser.newPage();

    // Go to the index page of Reddit
    await page.goto("https://old.reddit.com/", { waitUntil: "networkidle0" });

  getResults: async () => {
    let platform = "Reddit";

    // Get all posts on the main page of Reddit.
    let mentions = await page.$$('#siteTable > div[class *= "thing"]');
    let results = [];

    // For each post:
    for (let mention of mentions) {
      let content = "";

      // I get the link to its content page.
      let content_URL = await mention.$eval(
        'p[class="title"] > a[class*="title"]',
        (node) => node.getAttribute("href").trim()

      // if it is a inner link:
      if (content_URL.substr(0, 3) === "/r/") {

        // Create a new page to open that content page. 
        let contentPage = await browser.newPage();
        await contentPage.goto("https://old.reddit.com" + content_URL, {
          waitUntil: "networkidle0",

        // Get the first paragraph of this content page.
        content = await contentPage.evaluate((contentPage) => {
          // Here is where the error occurred: 
          // Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined
          let firstParagraph = contentPage.querySelector(
            'div[class*="usertext-body"] > p'

          if (firstParagraph != null) {
            return firstParagraph.innerText.trim();
          } else {
            return null;


    return results;

module.exports = self;

But an error occurred: Error: Evaluation failed: TypeError: Cannot read property 'querySelector' of undefined .

Could anyone point out where I did wrong plz?


page.evaluate basically executes code in the context of the browser. IE: the same stuff you would put into the browser developer console to get the same result. So in this context, you would want to use document.querySelector() instead of a reference to contentPage which isn't defined:

let firstParagraph = document.querySelector(
  'div[class*="usertext-body"] > p'

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