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How can I create an embedded ngFor inside of an ngIf statement?

What I'm Trying To Do

I'm trying to create a page where there is a bunch of mat-expansion-panels that each have their own content. The content is hardcoded, but rather than having each page on it's own component, I wanted to try and make one component that gets reused and interacts with a static service in order to be scalable as more content needs to be added, or if I were to connect it to a database in the future.

What I've Tried

What I've Tried (Variation 1)

<article *ngIf="code$ | async as title">
    <div *ngFor="section of title.sections | async">

What I've Tried (Variation 2)

<article *ngIf="code$ | async as title">
    <div *ngFor="section of title.sections | async as section">

What I've Tried (Variation 3)

<article *ngIf="code$ | async as title">
    <div *ngFor="section of title.sections | async">

What I've Tried (Variation 4)

<article *ngIf="code$ | async as title">
    <div *ngFor="section of title.sections | async">

Other Code

Snippet of Component.ts (everything is imported fine at the top)

code$: any;
    private pcts: StaticService,
    private route: ActivatedRoute
    this.code$ = this.route.paramMap.pipe(
      map(params => {
        const title = params.get('slug');
        return this.pcts.pctSearch(title);


export interface tSect {
  sTitle: string;
  sDesc: string;
  sContent: string;
export interface pct {
  id: string;
  title: string;
  sections: tSect[];
  id: "...",
  title: "...",
  sections: [
     {sTitle: 'Test', sDesc: 'Test', sContent: 'test'},
     {sTitle: 'Tes2t', sDesc: 'Test2', sContent: 'test2'},
pctSearch(slug: string) {
    var __FOUND = -1;
    for(var t = 0; t < this.pctarr.length; t++) {
      if(this.pctarr[t].id == slug) {
        __FOUND = t;
        return this.pctarr[__FOUND];

What Happens?

I get an error saying that the property (sContent, sTitle, or sDesc) doesn't exist on the component.

Expected Result

The section should show a list of mat-expansion-panel(s) with the sections from the array in the service.

Put the *ngFor on the mat-expansion-panel and take out the | async | async in the *ngFor, since you have already applied the pipe to the title in the *ngIf.


Your pctSearch function should be:

pctSearch(slug: string) {
    return this.pctarr.filter(pct => pct.title === slug);

Keep in mind this will return you an array of pct's that match the slug. So if you just want the first element than just grab that first index.

Edit 2:

It was just a small error, you were missing "let" in your *ngFor. You also need to use the actual element in the loop when asking for the properties like sTitle, etc. Also in your component where you declare code$ you should also declare it's type instead of any to Observable (change any to whatever your type is).

So you're template would look like this:

<mat-expansion-panel *ngFor="let section of title.sections">

Also in your component you should declare code$ like this:

code$: Observable<any>;

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