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Pagination and filtering in TypeScript and TypeORM

How can i create an function to pagination and filtering with typeorm?

I use queryBuilder() but i don't how to create an function to divide the results into pages and result on one page.

I try like this:

  async getPaginatedAndFilteringUsers(dto: PaginationUserDto): Promise<User[]> {
    const user = this.conn.getRepository(Employee)
      .createQueryBuilder('user ')
      .orderBy('user.id', dto.order)

    return user;

but it not work.

I want to create an function with params like this: localhost:3000/user?page=1&rowsPerPage=15&orderBy=DESC

can someone tell me how can i do this with typeorm?

thanks a lot for all help:)

Firstly, I see that you did not execute the query. So, add the .getMany() at the end of the query chain:

getPaginatedAndFilteringUsers(dto: PaginationUserDto): Promise<User[]> {
    return this.conn.getRepository(Employee)
      .orderBy('user.id', dto.order)

Secondly, I have no idea what do you put in PaginationUserDto . I hope, that you put to it some users' info and pagination parameters like page , rowsPerPage and orderBy . If not, that's the second point to fix your issue: you need to parse query params and put it to your dto (because of you use these params from dto )

I hope it would be helpful

The best way to do this in pure typeOrm is as follows

 async getPaginatedAndFilteringUsers(dto: PaginationUserDto): Promise < User[] > { const [user, count] = await User.findAndCount({ order: { id: "DESC", }, skip: dto.rowsPerPage, take: dto.page, }); return paginatedUserInfo{ user: user, totalCount: count, }; }

The totalCount is not consider the paginated result it will return full row count

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