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Why it's adding the quantity of my item? My Method is adding it when it's not supose to do that

I have this project in angular, it's an online store, but I don't know why every time I click the button "agregar a carrito" (add to cart in Spanish) the quantity of my item's increase.


removeItem(item: iProduct) {
    if (item.quantity > 0) {
addItem(item: iProduct) {
/////// In this two methods add the same quantity to the item 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8... 
addToCart(item: iProduct) {
    if (item.quantity > 0) {

buyNow(item: iProduct) {
    if (item.quantity > 0) {


<div class="col-4 single-item-display" *ngFor="let product of products">
  <img src="{{ 'assets/img/' + product.img + '.jpg' }}" />
  <div class="item-description">
    <span>{{ product.name }}</span>
    <span>{{ product.price }}$</span>
    <div class="add-remove-item">
      <a (click)="removeItem(product)">
        <fa-icon [icon]="remove"></fa-icon>
      ////////////////This is the quantity that is not supose to increase with those buttons
      <a (click)="addItem(product)">
        <fa-icon [icon]="add"></fa-icon>
    /////////This is are the buttons that are not working correctly
    <a class="add-to-cart" (click)="addToCart(product)">
        Agregar a carrito
    <a class="buy-now" style="margin-top: 10px;" (click)="buyNow(product)">

this is my service to communicate components

srcItem = new Subject<iProduct>();
srcItem$ = this.srcItem.asObservable();

constructor() { }

broadcastData(product: iProduct): void {

and in my cart component, I subscribe to it and push the value to an array

productsInCart: iProduct[] = []
total: number = 0;
constructor(private cartService: CartService) {
cartService.srcItem$.subscribe(rsp => {
  let existProduct = this.productsInCart.find(x => x.productCode === rsp.productCode);
  if (existProduct) {
    this.productsInCart.find(x => x.productCode === rsp.productCode).quantity += rsp.quantity;
  else {
  this.productsInCart.forEach(product => {
    this.total += (product.price * product.quantity)

I just want to send the item and its quantity to another component, I just don't understand why in this component every time I click it adds them.

Let's say I click the button addItem to increase the quantity to 1, then I click the "addToCart" Button, it sends it, but if click it again the quantity in this screen goes to 2, if click it again to 4, and so on

In this line:

this.productsInCart.find(x => x.productCode === rsp.productCode).quantity += rsp.quantity;

you double the quantity of the product.

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