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laravel eloquent whereHas

I have this query,

$listings = Tag::whereHas('listings', function($query) use ($request) {
                $query->where('moderated', 1)
                    ->where('active', 1)
                    ->where('cost', '=', '0.00')
                    ->orWhere('cost', '=', NULL)
                    ->with(['types' => function($q) {
                      $q->whereIn('type_id', [1]);

This returns the expected tags, however it does not return the expected listings, the relationships looks like this,

tag and listings have a n:n relationship listing and type have a n:n relationship

What I am wanting to achieve is query the data for all tags that have listings that have a cost of 0.00 or NULL and also have a type of 1 based on its n:n relationship.

What I am getting however is tags are being returned that have listings (courtesy of the whereHas) but the listing isn't actually part of the response, and if I do $query->with('listings') it seems to disregard my cost where clause and return all listings in that tag ?

Any ideas of how I can get all tags that have listings and those listings to be selected via whether their cost is zero and if there type ( n:n relationship) is 1 (or anything other number)

In Laravel and MySql you can not do column = null , you have to use column is null in MySql . Therefor Laravel also has special condition for this, instead use whereNull() . So change the cost where to the following.


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