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Twitter API not responding with whole tweet - twitter

I am creating a Twitter API but the API isn't returning the whole tweet, it seems to stop when their is a link in the tweet. I am using PHP with TwitterAPIExchange.php, how can I fix this?


Ingewikkelde antwoorden op vragen van @AgnesMulderCDA over de #waakvlam van de #NAM. De NAM hoeft pas in november t… https:// t.co/ZM0Tuk9AYv

Should be this: https://twitter.com/SGaster/status/849334531907887104

$connection = new TwitterOAuth($CONSUMER_KEY, $CONSUMER_SECRET, $access_token, $access_token_secret);

$content = $connection->get("account/verify_credentials");

   $tweets = $connection->get('favorites/list',['count' => 50,'include_entities' => false,'screen_name' => $screen_name]);
        displayTweets($tweets);               /* To display follower's tweets (This function is in file functions.php) */

    echo "<div>";
    echo "Can't fetch Tweets of this user.Please Refresh this page or try again later.";
    echo "</div>";

how can I extend the tweet?

edit; this is my displayTweets() file

/* This file contains one function 'displayTweets'*/

/* displayTweets() function is used to display Tweets in jQuery slider */
require 'lib/makeLinks.php';
function displayTweets($tweets)

$i = 0;
foreach ($tweets as $key) 
    if ($i<=200)
        if (isset($key->user->profile_image_url_https))
        $tweet_profile_url = $key->user->profile_image_url_https;
    echo "<div class='tweetBox'>";
    echo "<div class='media slides' style='height:370px;'>";
        echo "<div class='media-left'>";
        if (isset($tweet_profile_url))
        echo "<img src='".$tweet_profile_url."' class='media-object' style='height:50px,width:50px;'/>";
        echo "</div>";
        echo "<div class='media-body'>";
        if (isset($key->user->name))
        echo "<b style='font-size: 25px;'>".$key->user->name."</b>";
        /*if (isset($key->user->verified))
        if ($key->user->verified == 1)echo "<img src='images/download.png' class='verified_twitter_img' style='height:15px;
        if (isset($key->user->screen_name))
        echo " @".$key->user->screen_name."&diams;"; //will display black diamond between screen_name of user and date of tweet
        if (isset($key->created_at))                                        //date of tweet
    $formatted_date = date_formate($key->created_at);
            echo $formatted_date;
        echo "<br/>";
        if (isset($key->text))
        $tweet_and_links  makeLinks($key->text); //This function(lib/makeLinks.php file) is used to find links in tweet and place it in <a> tag 

        if (isset($tweet_and_links))
        echo $tweet_and_links;
        echo "<br/>";
        if (isset($key->entities->media)) {

        foreach ($key->entities->media as $media) {
            echo "<img src='".$media->media_url_https.":small' style='height:280px;width:270px;'/>"; //':small' is written for size, Twitter API provides four sizes - thumb,small,medium and large
            echo "<br/>"; 
        echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";
    echo "</div>";
    } else

function date_formate($dt) {
            //convert date from +0000 timezone to +0530 timezone
            $date = new DateTime($dt);
            $date->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('Asia/Muscat')); //Srilanka time zone is used because Indian time zone is not provided by twitter
            $changed_date = $date->format('H:i, M d y');
        return $changed_date;

This is because Tweets were originally 140 characters. So the text field of the API response is limited to 140 character. If it is longer, you will see ... https:// t.co/...

You need to look at the extended_tweet . So, in your PHP function displayTweets() you need something like:

if ($tweet["truncated"] == true) {
   return $tweet["extended_tweet"]["full_text"];

There's a helpful guide on the official documentation .

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