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How do i use Blazor components in the code?

I'm trying to accomplish something like the code below but I can't seem to figure out how to do it.

@page "/"

@code {
public string Animal { get; set; }

private BaseComponent test { get; set; }

protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
    switch (Animal)
        case "Cat": test = <Cat>Fluffy</Cat>; break;
        case "Dog": test = <Dog>Woff</Dog>; break;
        default: test = <p>None</p>

I also want to be able to put components in a dictionary like new Dictionary<string, BaseComponent> { {"cat", <Cat>test</Cat> }}

any ideas?

It is possible with RenderFragments:

private Dictionary<string, RenderFragment> switcher 
  = new Dictionary<string, RenderFragment>(StringComparer.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
    {  "cat" , __builder => { <Cat> It's a Cat </Cat> } },
    {  "dog" , __builder => { <Dog> It's a Dog </Dog> } },


and then outside of @code,


But if this is the best solution depends very much on the exact use-case, and how much flexibility is desired in using the <Animal> tags.

You could for instance replace the above with a <ShowAnimal Animal="Cat" /> component and implement that with a (big) switch statement in the markup section.

A dictionary of render fragments:


@code {

    public string Animal { get; set; }

    RenderFragment _content => Animal switch
        "Cat" => @:@{ <Cat>Fluffy</Cat> } 
        "Dog" => @:@{ <Dog>Woff</Dog> } 
           _  => @:@{ <p>None</p> } 



Switch comma's currently must to be on the next line due to a parsing bug.

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