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JavaScript - Dynamically add table rows in HTML table

I have the following script by which I want to achieve to dynamically add rows in an HTML table on my website:

var globalIterationVariable = 0;
document.onload = $globalIterationVariable = 1;
$('document').ready(function() {
  $('.add_another').click(function() {
      var globalIterationVariable;
      var newRowVariable = '<tr><td><center><input name="nazovPolozky';
      newRowVariable.append(' type="text"></center></td> <td><center><input name="pocetPolozky');
      newRowVariable.append('" type="number" step="1" min="1"></center></td> <td><center><input name="jednotkovaCenaPolozky');
      newRowVariable.append('" type="number" step="0.01" min="0.01"></center></td></tr>');

This script though gives me the following error:

Uncaught TypeError: newRowVariable.append is not a function

Can anybody, please, help me to get this script working?

Thank you.

PS: This script is launched once I press a specific button on my website which has a class='button add_another'

You should define newRowVariable as a DOM element ->

const newRowVariable = document.createElement('tr')

Then append the content (your string) to it ->

newRowVariable.innerHTML = `<td><center><input name="nazovPolozky ${$globalIterationVariable}" type="text"></center></td>

Notice I use `` and not '' or "", it's because you can use javascript variables inside a string like that ->

const text = "World"
const superString = `Hello ${text}`
// a console.log(superString) will return 'Hello World'

Jquery might be usefull when you are a complete begginner, but you'll figure out soon that it's way simpler to use pure javascript;)

This is a string

 var newRowVariable = '<tr><td><center><input name="nazovPolozky';

This is a jQuery object

 var newRowVariable = $('<tr><td><center><input name="nazovPolozky');

This is how you append a string to a string

 var newRowVariable = '<tr><td><center><input name="nazovPolozky';
 newRowVariable += "/></td></tr>";

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