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Observing LiveData in ViewModel best practices

I'm seeking the best way to observe data in ViewModel .

I'm using MVVM + DataBinding.


private val data = MutableLiveData<String>()

suspend fun getData(): LiveData<String> {
        return withContext(IO) {
            val response = apiRequest { api.getData() }

It requests data from server and returns a live data. ViewModel must observe the data changes.


    suspend fun getData() {
        val data = repository.getData()
        MediatorLiveData<String>().apply {
            addSource(data) {
            observeForever { }

    private fun gotData(data: String) {
        //use data

ViewModel uses a MediatorLiveData to observe changes of the LiveData that comes from repository. I've added the data as a source to observe changes and remove it after it triggers to prevent firing events multiple times when I get data multiple times. And there must be a fake observer to MediatorLiveData so the onChange method of the MediatorLiveData triggers.

Let's say that I just need the data to hide/show a view (or even fill data to my recyclerview's adaper). Then I just call the below code and use an Observable and DataBinding like this:

val adapter: ObservableField<DataAdapter> = ObservableField()
val recyclerviewVisibility: ObservableField<Int> = ObservableField(View.GONE)

So I don't need to pass the data to Fragment or Activity to use the viewLifecycleOwner . I also cannot use observeForever in ViewModel because it may fire onChange method multiple times in some situations.

Is there any better approach to get and observe data in ViewModel ?


I've found out that the best way to reach my goal is to get the data from repository without using LiveData :


suspend fun getData() : String{
    return  apiRequest { api.getData() }


suspend fun getData(){
   val data = repository.getData()

fun gotData(data: String) {
    //use data

It's much simpler now.



fun <T : Any> ViewModel.request(request: suspend () -> (T), result: (T) -> (Unit) = {}) {
    viewModelScope.launch {


request({request.getData()}) {
    //use data

If I figured the problem right, I think you could use the map transformation on the LiveData .

Maybe it's better to change the repository code like the following:

private val reload = MutableLiveData<Unit>()

val data: LiveData<String> =
    reload.switchMap {
        liveData(IO) {
            emit(apiRequest { api.getData() })

fun reload() {

Then, in your ViewModel using map transtormation, you can intercept the emmited values:

val data: LiveData<String> = 
    repository.data.map {

fun reload() {

Using this structure, you will be able to call ViewModel's reload() everytime you need to, leading to fetch fresh data from api and emitting it on the ViewModel's data .

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