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React useState hook isn't triggering child component re-render

In React, I have a functional component that, upon a child component button ("GenerateButton") being clicked, is supposed to kick off the render of another child component ("UsersView"), which will then display a list of users pulled from a REST API.

While debugging, I'm noticing that even though the "dataShouldLoad" state is toggled to true, it doesn't even try to start loading the code in the "UsersView" component despite "dataShouldLoad" being passed and used as prop. Why is this? What should I do?

Here is my simplified code snippet:

import React, {useState} from 'react';
import GenerateButton from './GenerateButton.js';
import UsersView from './UsersView.js';

export default function GenerateReportView() {

    const [dataShouldLoad, setDataShouldLoad] = useState(false);
    const [dataHasLoaded, setDataHasLoaded] = useState(false);

    const handleGenerateButtonClick = () => {

      // By toggling this to true, I am attempting to kick off
      // the "UsersView" to fetch its data, and display here

    return (
            {dataHasLoaded ? 
                <UsersView dataShouldLoad={dataShouldLoad} setDataHasLoaded={setDataHasLoaded}/> 

                : <h2>Click Button to Load</h2> 
            <GenerateButton onClick={handleGenerateButtonClick}/>

Right now, the ternary is evaluating dataHasLoaded , not dataShouldLoad . Change to dataShouldLoad and it will render.

When you set new state for useState hook, the component useState lies in re-renders and the child components also re-render in general. In your code, UsersView is not even a child component of GenerateReportView in DOM, as you put logic- when dataHasLoaded is false, UsersView doesn't come as a child component.

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