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how to set index variable in primeng p-table like in ngFor

Can any one assist me. I want to initialize index variable like *ngFor="let d of sI.detail;let i=index"

In my p-table

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData >
      <tr class="text-center info">
        <td>{{ totalHeader }} </td>
            {{ rowData?.totalUnits }}
            ({{ rowData?.totalSale }})
          <span *ngIf="rowData.totalUnits && rowData.totalSale">
            /{{ (rowData.totalUnits/rowData.totalSale) | percent:'1.2-2' }}

You can use let-rowIndex="rowIndex" property in your table. This will give you index of the row.

<ng-template pTemplate="body" let-rowData let-rowIndex="rowIndex">
      <tr class="text-center info">
        <td>{{ totalHeader }} </td>
            {{ rowData?.totalUnits }} {{rowIndex + 1}} // here is value to use
            ({{ rowData?.totalSale }})
          <span *ngIf="rowData.totalUnits && rowData.totalSale">
            /{{ (rowData.totalUnits/rowData.totalSale) | percent:'1.2-2' }}

Hope this help!

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