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Javascript Pop-Up WIndow Open Function

I am using the following JS function to open a pop-up window to display another website:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function link()


The URL in the above example is just for testing. I actually intend on replacing the URL with a text value from a listbox, which is in the form of a URL. Anyway, when ever I start the debugger in Visual Studio, and execute the onClick, the pop-up window opens and gives me a page stating that there is a server error. Specifically, Server error in '/' application... resource cannot be found . Also, I notice that my URL is placed as follows: http://localhost:49456/www.google.com . I thought this function would give me a pop-up window with Google as the website. Is this a Visual Studio debugger issue, is my code wrong, or am I using the code in the wrong context? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

you need to specify http:// in the url eg


without that protocol specified, the browser will think the URL is relative to the current document.


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