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Node.js strApi connect to Google Cloud

I have a api that i can run perfectly local on my local machine. It uses msql here is what i have done:



    "defaultConnection": "default",
    "connections": {
        "default": {
            "connector": "strapi-hook-bookshelf",
            "settings": {
                "client": "mysql",
                "host": "",
                "srv": false,
                "port": 3306,
                "database": "[REDACTED]",
                "username": "[REDACTED]",
                "password": "[REDACTED]"
            "options": {
                "ssl": false


  "host": "localhost",
  "port": 1337,
  "proxy": {
    "enabled": false
  "autoReload": {
    "enabled": true
  "cron": {
    "enabled": false
  "admin": {
    "autoOpen": true

Then i started MAMP up and did an import of the database in phpmyadmin. Perfect everything works.

Now i would like to make it live. So i am using Google Cloud. I have create a msql instance on google cloud platform I have created a database "test"

My question is what should my database.json look like now?

I have tried

        "defaultConnection": "default",
        "connections": {
            "default": {
                "connector": "REDACTED",
                "settings": {
                    "client": "mysql",
                    "host": "Public IP address i found on googleCloud platform",
have also tried /cloudsql/[REDACTED]

i have tried to put in
"socketPath": "/cloudsql/${process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}"

                    "srv": false,
                    "port": 3306,
// dont know what the port should be
                    "database": "test",
                    "username": "REDACTED",
                    "password": "REDACTED"
                "options": {
                    "ssl": false

I have tried setting up a app.yaml file. The closes i got it to working was when i deployed it it said server err 500. In all the other cases it just fails.

Can anyone please help me with the correct setup as i dont know what im doing Want to learn how to do this and i have spent all day already:( and got nowhere

I have now tried this. This is my app.staging.yaml

runtime: nodejs10
service: strapi

  NODE_ENV: staging
  cloud_sql_instances: "REDACTED"

And my config/staging/databse.json looks like this

    "defaultConnection": "default",
    "connections": {
        "default": {
            "connector": "strapi-hook-bookshelf",
            "settings": {
                "client": "mysql",
                "host": "${process.env.MYSQL_HOST || ''}",
                "port": "${process.env.MYSQL_PORT || '3306'}",
                "database": "${process.env.MYSQL_DATABASE}",
                "username": "${process.env.MYSQL_USERNAME}",
                "password": "${process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD}",
                "socketPath": "/cloudsql/${process.env.INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME}"
            "options": {}

Deployed but when i visit the link it says

Error: Server Error The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. Please try again in 30 seconds.

"NodeJS" could be anything, as INSTANCE_CONNECTION_NAME App Engine Standard .

You probably have to create a user and configure access.

See Connecting from an external application using the proxy .

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