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Angular 9 ngx-image-cropper resize cropper with slider

I'm using an ngx-image-cropper library in my project. I would like to crop image only in aspect ratio 16/9, and that's okay. I have set aspectRatio to 16/9 and cropper is rectangle. I have also implemented mat-slider , which should change only width and height of image cropper just like it works with dragging arrows of the cropper to scale it. Is it possible, to add to mat-slider event of resizing cropper exactly how it works with changing cropper scale by dragging arrows? I don't want to scale image with mat-slider, but only cropper. I have searched in ngx-image-cropper library but I have not found anything which will be appropriate for my needs. Thanks for any help!

Link to the library: https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-image-cropper

    <div class="image-cropper-dimensions">
        [aspectRatio]="16 / 9"
  <div class="image-edit-container">

in my application I change only with and height with this command: [maintainAspectRatio]="false"

This is a little part from my code:

 <image-cropper [imageChangedEvent]="imageChangedEvent" [imageURL]="imageUrl" [transform]="transform" [maintainAspectRatio]="false" [aspectRatio]="aspectRatio" [canvasRotation]="canvasRotation" (imageCropped)="imageCropped($event)" ></image-cropper>

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