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IIS can't install custom module

i'm trying since hours to install a custom module on IIS from the manager. I coded it in C#.

I'm able to load it into a test ASP.NET app that i created. I copy it into the bin folder, and add this line into the web.config:

    <add name="Module" type="IISExtend.Module"/>

It works.

To add it to IIS, i tried:

  1. Put the output DLL into the bin folder of the root of the website, like this: https://i.gyazo.com/14b54742cc758d6083a9787df8a8cbe1.png

  2. Add it in the module list like this: https://i.gyazo.com/b686a505c8d4785ffb63d5c384580ac5.png But i get this warning: https://i.gyazo.com/b137ecca9369cc53018aecd7409d8737.png

I already tried to edit config files manually, sign the dll, add it to global store, change the .NET version, and it changes nothing. The module does not loads, and seems not installed.

Here the exact name of my class: https://i.gyazo.com/10973b6852e1d1de139641905bee2b19.png

Thank you very much for your help:)

I found a solution. I installed a lot of windows features, regarding ASP.NET and ASP.NET core under IIS section. I worked.

Thank you for your help.

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