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How to apply a JS function to several HTML elements using “this” keyword?

I'm a newbie on JS and I don't understand yet how to use "this" keyword.

Here is a simple html, and I want, for example, the div and the p elements to get a green border onmouseover with a JS function using this keyword or something else to make the function work on both or maybe any html element.

<div id="firstDiv" onmouseover="greenBorder()">
   <h1>I'm Bruce</h1>

<p id="firstP" onmouseover="greenBorder()"> I'm Batman </p>

And I know it's not correct but my JS code would be like:

function greenBorder(){
  this.style.border="1px solid green";

Thank you

this is set upon the invocation of a function. In this case your inline code is called like a function with this set to the element, but when you call greenBorder , its this is unset.

(If you were calling a property of an object, eg myObject.myMethod() , then the this would be set to the object myObject instead. Otherwise, it is window or, if your JavaScript code runs in strict mode, undefined .)

You can either explicitely set its this , using the .call method:

<p id="firstP" onmouseover="greenBorder.call(this)"> I'm Batman </p>

... this way, the code you posted will work as-is:

function greenBorder () {
  this.style.border = "1px solid green"

Or, you can pass in the element as an argument:

<p id="firstP" onmouseover="greenBorder(this)"> I'm Batman </p>

In the latter case you'd have to change your function to use the argument instead of this :

function greenBorder (element) {
  element.style.border = "1px solid green"

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