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How to add new dataset in line chart of chart.js by iterating over dictionary in JavaScript?

I am trying to display linechart from charts.js where it shows the pass,fail and skipped test case reults in graph. Here i have hardcoded the number of data in a dataset. I want to add the datapoints by iterating through the object. Object looks like this

var temp = {"2020":[1,2,3],

And my javascript function for line chart below.

    function GetHealthReport(health,id) {
    var Date = Object.keys(health);

    var ctxL = document.getElementById(id).getContext('2d');
    var myLineChart = new Chart(ctxL, {
        type: 'line',
        data: {
            labels: Date,
            datasets: [
                data: [health[Date[0]][0],health[Date[1]][0],health[Date[2]][0],health[Date[3]][0],health[Date[4]][0]],
                    backgroundColor: [
                    data: [health[Date[0]][1],health[Date[1]][1],health[Date[2]][1],health[Date[3]][1],health[Date[4]][1]],
                    backgroundColor: [
                    data: [health[Date[0]][2],health[Date[1]][2],health[Date[2]][2],health[Date[3]][2],health[Date[4]][2]],
                    backgroundColor: [
        options: {
            responsive: true


Given the data is available in the variable health , you can extract the labels through Object.keys() as follows.

labels: Object.keys(health),

The data of individual datasets can be extracted through Object.values() , followed by Array.map() . The data of the first dataset for example is defined as follows.

data: Object.values(health).map(v => v[0]),

Please have a look at your amended and runnable code below.

 const health = { "2020": [1, 2, 3], "2021": [4, 5, 6] } var myLineChart = new Chart('myChart', { type: 'line', data: { labels: Object.keys(health), datasets: [{ label: "Pass", data: Object.values(health).map(v => v[0]), backgroundColor: 'rgba(71,193,28, 0.71)', borderColor: 'rgb(71,193,28)', fill: false }, { label: "Failed", data: Object.values(health).map(v => v[1]), backgroundColor: 'rgba(212,0,13,0.71)', borderColor: 'rgb(212,0,13)', fill: false }, { label: "Skipped", data: Object.values(health).map(v => v[2]), backgroundColor: 'rgba(228,78,231,0.56)', borderColor: 'rgb(228,78,231)', fill: false } ] }, options: { responsive: true, scales: { yAxes: [{ ticks: { beginAtZero: true, stepSize: 1 } }] } } });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/Chart.js/2.9.3/Chart.min.js"></script> <canvas id="myChart" height="80"></canvas>

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