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MS Teams bot - create conversation in newly created Group returns 405 BadArgument

I'm trying to create new convesation for just created channel using Nodejs + botframework v4.9.2.


I'm running bot locally and proxying via ngrok. Also I can access GET /v3/conversations.

Updated code

Get Team Memebers GET ${graphUrl}/groups/${teamId}/members

Create new Channel

const createChannelRequest: IGraphCreateChannelBody = {
    "@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Teams.Core.channel",
    displayName: channelName,
    description: `This channel is for incident id : ${incidentId}`,
    members: membersIds.map(memberId => (
            "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
            "user@odata.bind": `https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users('${memberId}')`,
            roles: ["owner"]

return await graphClient.createChannel(teamId, createChannelRequest);

createChannel is basically POST ${graphUrl}/teams/${teamId}/channels

Create new Tab POST ${graphUrl}/teams/${req.teamId}/channels/${req.channelId}/tabs where channelId is createChannelResponse.id

Create new conversation

const client = new BotConnector.ConnectorClient(credentials, {baseUri: serviceUrl});
const {bot} = TurnContext.getConversationReference(activity);
const createConversationResponse = await client.conversations.createConversation({
    activity: incidentActivity,
    members: teamMembers.value.map(member => ({
        id: member.id,
        name: member.displayName
    channelData: {
        channel: {
            id: newIncidentChannelId
        tenant: {
            id: tenantId
    isGroup: true

where createConversation fails with 405

[Posting a complete answer, based on the comments above]

There's no need (and it won't work), in the context of Teams , to use createConversation , because the conversation is created the moment the Team/Channel/Group chat itself is created ( createConversation exists for other Bot Framework scenarios, and is not applicable for Teams). As a result SendToConversation is the correct operation to use.

As to how to use SendToConversation , there are certain important variables you need to have already your side, and the most common time to get these is when your bot is added to the channel/chat/whatever in the first place. You can read more about that here , but more generally, this is considered something called "proactive" messaging, in Teams, and it's worth reading up on that topic more. Please see here and here as good starting points.

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