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React Jest/Enzyme: Mock/Override a Response of ES6 Class Method

I wanted to write a unit test (using Jest/Enzyme ) for login page which is written in React and I tried to Mock the server response , so I can test if the login form works correctly.

I have a React class component like this:

// LoginPage.js

export class LoginPage extends Component {

    // ...

    handleClick = async () => {
        const username = this.state.username;
        const password = this.state.password;

        const result = await callServer(username, password); // "fetch" used here

        console.log('Server Response:', result);

        if (result) // redirect


    render() {
        return (
            <Wrapper> // Styled Components
                <Input type="text" id="loginUsername" ... />
                <Input type="password" id="loginPassword" ... />

                <Button onClick={this.handleClick}>



export default withRouter(MyClass);

And my test file:

// LoginPage-test.js

import React from 'react';
import {configure, shallow} from 'enzyme';
import Adapter from 'enzyme-adapter-react-16';

configure({ adapter: new Adapter() });

import {LoginPage} from './LoginPage';
import Input from './Input';
import Button from './Button';

it('test the login page', async () => {

    const wrapper = shallow(<LoginPage/>),
          inputUsername = wrapper.find(Input).findWhere(n => n.prop('id') === 'loginUsername'),
          inputPassword = wrapper.find(Input).findWhere(n => n.prop('id') === 'loginPassword'),
          loginButton = wrapper.find(Button).findWhere(n => n.prop('children') === 'Submit');

    inputUsername.simulate('change', { target: { name: 'loginUsername', value: 'test_user' } });
    inputPassword.simulate('change', { target: { name: 'loginPassword', value: 'test_pass' } });

    const result = await loginButton.props().onClick();


With this test I can see the Server Response ( console.log ) and the test passed. But I don't want to call the real server (as it's not a good practice in testing), instead I wanted to Mock the handleClick response.

I tried many ways, with spyOn , mockImplementation and so on without success. These are some of my tries:

// ------------------ (1) ---------------------

jest.doMock('./LoginPage', () => {
    return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
        return {
            __esModule: true,
            LoginPage: {
                handleClick: async () => {
                    return new Promise.resolve('MOCK_TEST');

it('test the login page', async () => { ... });

// ------------------ (2) ---------------------

it('test the login page', async () => {
    // ...

    inputUsername.simulate('change', { target: { name: 'loginUsername', value: 'test_user' } });

    jest.spyOn(wrapper.instance(), 'handleClick').mockImplementation(() => {
        return 'MOCK_TEST';

    // ...


// ------------------ (3) ---------------------

jest.mock(LoginPage, jest.fn());
    () => ({
        handleClick: () => {
            return 'MOCK_TEST';

it('test the login page', async () => { ... });


const handleClick = jest.spyOn(LoginPage.prototype, 'handleClick).
mockImplementation(() => {
    //your mock



Remember that jest.spyOn works only with normal functions and NOT with arrow functions. Also, you should set the spy before mounting your test component.

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