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How do I get my discord bot react to it being mentioned?

I'm trying to get my JavaScript Discord bot to react to being mentioned in discord. However, it doesn't do anything when someone mentions it.

 const Discord = require('discord.js'); const keepAlive = require('./server'); const client = new Discord.Client(); client.on('message', message => { if (message.toString().toLowerCase().includes('@class of 2020 assistant')) { message.author.send('Your assistance ticket haassistancese wait for a DM from ageekdude.'); const ageekdude = client.users.cache.get('571713056673890324'); if (ageekdude) ageekdude.send(`${message.author} has requested an assistance ticket.`) } }); keepAlive(); client.login(process.env.TOKEN);

Could someone please give me a suggestion on how I get the bot to react to it being mentioned?

To make your bot react to it being mentionned, this if statement should be enough:

if (/<@!YourBotID>|<@YourBotID>/.test(message.content)) {
    return message.reply('hey, you mentioned me !');

You'll need to use the ! as well because user mentions are not the same on PC and mobile.
Happy coding;)

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