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useCallback: When to use it? Is there any drawback / performance issue?

There are articles related to what is useCallback and to use it when necessary. But in a big project it's very difficult to understand when to start using this. So, if I use it for every use case, will it hit the performance of the application.

useCallback and useMemo are helper hooks with the main purpose off adding an extra layer of dependency check to ensure synchronicity. Usually you want to work with useCallback to ensure a stable signature to a prop which you know how will change and React doesn't.

A function (reference type) passed via props for example

const Component = ({ setParentState }) =>{
    useEffect(() => setParentState('mounted'), [])

Lets assume you have a child component which uppon mounting must set some state in the parent (not usual), the above code will generate a warning of undeclared dependency in useEffect , so let's declare setParentState as a dependency to be checked by React

const Component = ({ setParentState }) =>{
    useEffect(() => setParentState('mounted'), [setParentState])

Now this effect runs on each render, not only on mounting, but on each update. This happens because setParentState is a function which is recreated every time the function Component gets called. You know that setParentState won't change it's signature overtime so it's safe to tell React that. By wrapping the original helper inside an useCallback you're doing exactly that (by adding another dependency check layer).

const Component = ({ setParentState }) =>{
   const stableSetter = useCallback(() => setParentState(), [])

   useEffect(() => setParentState('mounted'), [stableSetter])

There you go. Now React knows that stableSetter won't change it's signature inside the lifecycle therefore the effect do not need run unecessarily.

On a side note useCallback it's also used like useMemo , to optmize expensive function calls (memoization).

The two main purposes of useCallback are

  • Optimize child components that rely on reference equality to prevent unnecessary renders. Font

  • Memoize expensive computing calculations

Is there any drawback/performance?

useCallback is mainly used to optmize performance by changing stuff only when it's needed. It does that by adding a layer of dependencies just like useEffect (and similar to how React itself knows how something must change in the DOM), but as every single performance optimization technique, it can shoot backwards, if you fill your entire application with unecessary useCallback , useMemo , React.memo the performance will go the other way around.

So the key is to use wisely, carefully choosing what needs to have a stable signature and what doesn't.

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