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WPF - how to show in ICollectionView Bitmapimages?

So I have a List<Book> which contains a BitmapImage .

And I have a DataGrid which gets it's information from a ICollectionView which is initialized like that:

ObservableCollection<Book> OCBooks = new ObservableCollection<Book>();
CollectionViewSource BooksCollection;
Predicate<object> yourCostumFilter;
ICollectionView Itemlist;
Book b = Book.Instance;

. . .

private void InitializeObservableCollection()
            foreach (var item in ChangeBooksImagesToBitmapImage(b.GetBooksList()))
            BooksCollection = new CollectionViewSource { Source = OCBooks };
            Itemlist = BooksCollection.View;
            DG_BooksList.ItemsSource = Itemlist;

. . .

private List<Book> ChangeBooksImagesToBitmapImage(List<Book> list)
            // takes a Books list with imgURLs and returns one with BitmapImage
            List<Book> newbl = new List<Book>();
            foreach (var book in list)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(book.ImgURL))
                    BitmapImage logo = new BitmapImage();
                    logo.UriSource = new Uri(book.ImgURL);
                    logo.DecodePixelHeight = 25;
                    logo.DecodePixelWidth = 25;
                        new Book(
            return newbl;

I previously used just a regular list of and bound it column by column to the DG_BooksList so I'll be able to manipulate the columns and it worked.

And when I wanted to create a filter for the list'I understood that using the ICollectionView might be a better way to go.

Only now I don't know how to manipulate each single column in the DataGrid When It's automatically giving it the information.

I tried to look for an answer but couldn't find, how do I manipulate single columns in the DataGrid like that and how do I show a BitmapImage in the DataGrid ?

If your Book type contains public property Logo and also implemented INotifyPropertyChanged.. you can use DataGridTemplateColumn and specify dataTemplate for it

<DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Logo">
            <Image Source="{Binding Logo}" Height="25" Width="25"/>

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