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I am trying to plot Donut pie chart using matplotlib, but the inner circle and out pie circle doesn't seem like to start at the center

using this code to generate pie chart

df.STATUS.value_counts(sort=True).plot.pie(colors = colors, center=(0,0),explode = explode, autopct='%1.1f%%', pctdistance=0.85)
#draw circle
centre_circle = plt.Circle((0,0),0.95,fc='black')



You can try plotting a fake pie as following:

ax = df.STATUS.value_counts(sort=True).plot.pie(colors = colors, center=(0,0),explode = explode, autopct='%1.1f%%', pctdistance=0.85)
ax.pie([1], colors='k', radius=0.5);

which creates something like this:


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