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Writing Async Custom command with Nightwatch

I have been trying for the past 3 days without success to get a function i'm using to get the CSS Selector paths of a list of elements fitting a certain selector, to work as a custom command in Nightwatch JS.

What you give to the command:


What the output should be:

['HTML> BODY> SECTION.upper-container > DIV.notes:nth-child(1) > DIV.note:nth-child(1)',
'HTML> BODY> SECTION.upper-container > DIV.notes:nth-child(1) > DIV.note:nth-child(2)',
'HTML> BODY> SECTION.upper-container > DIV.notes:nth-child(2) > DIV.note:nth-child(1)',
'HTML> BODY> SECTION.bottom-container > DIV.inner > DIV.notes:nth-child(1) > DIV.note'
'HTML> BODY> SECTION.bottom-container > DIV.inner > DIV.notes:nth-child(2) > DIV.note']

And so and so.

I have tried lots of different ways to implement it but with no success, I am fairly new to Async/Await so I have not been having alot of luck and haven't been able to relate the examples on the Nightwatch.js guide ( https://nightwatchjs.org/guide/extending-nightwatch/#writing-custom-commands ) to my issue.

I have written the following using the code segment found in How to generate unique css selector for DOM element? :

// getUniqueCssSelector.js file
exports.command = async function(selector) {
        var browser = this;
     let result = browser.execute(function (selector) {

            const nodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector))
            var nodesSelectors = [];

            nodes.forEach(node => {
            return nodesSelectors;

            function getCssSelectorShort(el) {
                let path = [], parent;
                while (parent = el.parentNode) {
                let tag = el.tagName, siblings;
                    el.id ? `#${el.id}` : (
                    siblings = parent.children,
                    [].filter.call(siblings, sibling => sibling.tagName === tag).length === 1 ? tag :
                    `${tag}:nth-child(${1+[].indexOf.call(siblings, el)})`
                el = parent;
                return `${path.join(' > ')}`;

        }, [selector], function(res) {
            console.log('************INSIDE COMMAND RETURN CALLBACK ');
            return res;


        return result;


From there, I want in my test code which calls this custom command, to be able to await it. This command will have to be called on multiple elements so making it a callback function, while would work, would also put my code in an eternal callback stack which would make it look very ugly, very fast.

ideally, I want the code to become something like this:

// nwtest.js file
 let nodeSelectorsList= await browser.getUniqueCssSelectors('.note');
            console.log(nodeSelectorsList); // Would bring me back the entire set I posted above.

nodeSelectorsList.forEach(async (noteElement)=> {
                 let resultSingle = await browser.element('css selector', noteElement);
                 console.log(resultSingle); // Should print the elements returned individually

Unfortunately, I always get undefined as the fruit of my efforts. :/

I have been wrecking my brain over this for several days up to almost a week and tried both Promise and Event implementations, but this one was abit beyond me so I call on the help of SO. Any help would be massively appreciated..

I think you can wrap it as a Promise and then await from the outside,

// getUniqueCssSelector.js file

 exports.command = function (selector) { var browser = this; return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { browser.execute(function (selector) { const nodes = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector)) var nodesSelectors = []; nodes.forEach(node => { nodesSelectors.push(getCssSelectorShort(node)); }); return nodesSelectors; function getCssSelectorShort(el) { let path = [], parent; while (parent = el.parentNode) { let tag = el.tagName, siblings; path.unshift( el.id? `#${el.id}`: ( siblings = parent.children, [].filter.call(siblings, sibling => sibling.tagName === tag).length === 1? tag: `${tag}:nth-child(${1+[].indexOf.call(siblings, el)})` ) ); el = parent; }; return `${path.join(' > ')}`; }; }, [selector], function (res) { resolve(res); }); }); }

// nwtest.js file

 let nodeSelectorsList = await browser.getUniqueCssSelectors('.note'); console.log(nodeSelectorsList); // Would bring me back the entire set I posted above. nodeSelectorsList.forEach(async (noteElement) => { let resultSingle = await browser.element('css selector', noteElement); console.log(resultSingle); // Should print the elements returned individually })

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