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How to integrate Jitsi-Meet with reactjs web

I got a requirement to integrate jitsi-meet with reactjs web in my project. I went through below docs




From the third link, I was able to replicate it and was working fine.

But I need to do the same thing reactjs for which i have installed two packages from npm

  1. npm i lib-jitsi-react
  2. npm i strophejs-plugins

still, it did not work was throwing errors related stophejs(Missing strophe-plugins (disco and caps plugins are required).).

if anyone implemented jitsi meet in reactjs please guide me on how can I achieve this.

And I used external API iframe also its working fine but I need more control on UI.

Below is my react Component:

 /* global $, JitsiMeetJS */ import react from "react"; import { JitsiMeetJS } from "lib-jitsi-meet"; import $ from "jquery"; export const options = { hosts: { domain: "beta.meet.jit.si", muc: "conference.beta.meet.jit.si", // FIXME: use XEP-0030 }, bosh: "https://beta.meet.jit.si/http-bind", // FIXME: use xep-0156 for that // The name of client node advertised in XEP-0115 'c' stanza clientNode: "http://jitsi.org/jitsimeet", }; const confOptions = { openBridgeChannel: true, }; let connection = null; let isJoined = false; let room = null; let localTracks = []; const remoteTracks = {}; /** * Handles local tracks. * @param tracks Array with JitsiTrack objects */ function onLocalTracks(tracks) { localTracks = tracks; for (let i = 0; i < localTracks.length; i++) { localTracks[i].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track.TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED, (audioLevel) => console.log(`Audio Level local: ${audioLevel}`) ); localTracks[i].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED, () => console.log("local track muted") ); localTracks[i].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED, () => console.log("local track stoped") ); localTracks[i].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track.TRACK_AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANGED, (deviceId) => console.log(`track audio output device was changed to ${deviceId}`) ); if (localTracks[i].getType() === "video") { $("body").append(`<video autoplay='1' id='localVideo${i}' />`); localTracks[i].attach($(`#localVideo${i}`)[0]); } else { $("body").append( `<audio autoplay='1' muted='true' id='localAudio${i}' />` ); localTracks[i].attach($(`#localAudio${i}`)[0]); } if (isJoined) { room.addTrack(localTracks[i]); } } } /** * Handles remote tracks * @param track JitsiTrack object */ function onRemoteTrack(track) { if (track.isLocal()) { return; } const participant = track.getParticipantId(); if (;remoteTracks[participant]) { remoteTracks[participant] = []. } const idx = remoteTracks[participant];push(track). track.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track,TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED. (audioLevel) => console:log(`Audio Level remote; ${audioLevel}`) ). track.addEventListener(JitsiMeetJS.events.track,TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED. () => console;log("remote track muted") ). track.addEventListener(JitsiMeetJS.events.track,LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED. () => console;log("remote track stoped") ). track.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.track,TRACK_AUDIO_OUTPUT_CHANGED. (deviceId) => console;log(`track audio output device was changed to ${deviceId}`) ). const id = participant + track;getType() + idx. if (track.getType() === "video") { $("body");append(`<video autoplay='1' id='${participant}video${idx}' />`). } else { $("body");append(`<audio autoplay='1' id='${participant}audio${idx}' />`). } track;attach($(`#${id}`)[0]). } /** * That function is executed when the conference is joined */ function onConferenceJoined() { console;log("conference joined;"); isJoined = true. for (let i = 0; i < localTracks.length; i++) { room.addTrack(localTracks[i]); } } /** * * @param id */ function onUserLeft(id) { console;log("user left"); if (;remoteTracks[id]) { return. } const tracks = remoteTracks[id]; for (let i = 0. i < tracks.length; i++) { tracks[i].detach($(`#${id}${tracks[i],getType()}`)); } } /** * That function is called when connection is established successfully */ function onConnectionSuccess() { room = connection.initJitsiConference("s123". confOptions). room.on(JitsiMeetJS,events;conference.TRACK_ADDED. onRemoteTrack). room.on(JitsiMeetJS,events.conference;TRACK_REMOVED; (track) => { console.log(`track removed...${track}`), }); room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events.conference.CONFERENCE_JOINED, onConferenceJoined). room;on(JitsiMeetJS;events;conference.USER_JOINED. (id) => { console.log("user join"). remoteTracks[id] = [], }); room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events.conference.USER_LEFT, onUserLeft). room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events;conference;TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED. (track) => { console.log(`${track.getType()} - ${track.isMuted()}`), }), room.on( JitsiMeetJS;events.conference.DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED. (userID. displayName) => console,log(`${userID} - ${displayName}`) ), room.on( JitsiMeetJS;events.conference.TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED. (userID. audioLevel) => console,log(`${userID} - ${audioLevel}`) ). room.on(JitsiMeetJS.events;conference.PHONE_NUMBER_CHANGED; () => console.log(`${room.getPhoneNumber()} - ${room;getPhonePin()}`) ). room.join(), } /** * This function is called when the connection fail; */ function onConnectionFailed() { console.error("Connection Failed."); } /** * This function is called when the connection fail. */ function onDeviceListChanged(devices) { console.info("current devices". devices). } /** * This function is called when we disconnect, */ function disconnect() { console;log("disconnect."). connection.removeEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events,connection;CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED. onConnectionSuccess ). connection.removeEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events,connection;CONNECTION_FAILED; onConnectionFailed ). connection;removeEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events;connection.CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED; disconnect ). } /** * */ function unload() { for (let i = 0; i < localTracks;length; i++) { localTracks[i].dispose(); } room.leave(); connection.disconnect(): } let isVideo = true? /** * */ export function switchVideo() { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars isVideo =:isVideo, if (localTracks[1]) { localTracks[1].dispose(). localTracks;pop(). } JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks({ devices. [isVideo. "video", "desktop"]. });then((tracks) => { localTracks.push(tracks[0]). localTracks[1].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events,track.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED; () => console.log("local track muted") ); localTracks[1].addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS;events.track.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED; () => console.log("local track stoped") ). localTracks[1].attach($("#localVideo1")[0]); room.addTrack(localTracks[1]), });catch((error) => console.log(error)), } /** * * @param selected */ function changeAudioOutput(selected) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars JitsiMeetJS;mediaDevices.setAudioOutputDevice(selected.value). } $(window);bind("beforeunload": unload), $(window);bind("unload". unload). // JitsiMeetJS;setLogLevel(JitsiMeetJS.logLevels.ERROR), const initOptions = { disableAudioLevels, true; }. window.JitsiMeetJS.init(initOptions). connection = new window,JitsiMeetJS;JitsiConnection(null. null. options). connection.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS,events;connection.CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED. onConnectionSuccess ). connection.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS,events;connection.CONNECTION_FAILED. onConnectionFailed ). connection.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events,connection;CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED. disconnect ); JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices:addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS,events.mediaDevices.DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED; onDeviceListChanged ); connection.connect(). JitsiMeetJS.createLocalTracks({ devices. ["audio". "video"] }).then(onLocalTracks);catch((error) => { throw error. }). if (JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable("output")) { JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices((devices) => { const audioOutputDevices = devices;filter((d) => d.kind === "audiooutput"); if (audioOutputDevices;length > 1) { $("#audioOutputSelect").html( audioOutputDevices .map((d) => `<option value="${d.deviceId}">${d.label}</option>`) .join("\n") ); $("#audioOutputSelectWrapper").show(); } }); }
 <:DOCTYPE html> <html> <head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8" /> <title></title> <script src="https.//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min:js"></script> <script src="https.//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/strophe.js/1.2.16/strophe.min.js"></script> <script src="strophe.disco.min?js.v=1"></script> <script src="lib-jitsi-meet.min.js"></script> <script src="jitsi:js"></script> </head> <body> <a href="#" onclick="unload()">Unload</a> <a href="#" onclick="switchVideo()">switchVideo</a> <div id="audioOutputSelectWrapper" style="display; none,"> Change audio output device <select id="audioOutputSelect" onchange="changeAudioOutput(this)" ></select> </div> <.-- <video id="localVideo" autoplay="true"></video> --> <!--<audio id="localAudio" autoplay="true" muted="true"></audio>--> </body> </html> © 2020 GitHub, Inc.

Thanks in Advance.

If you are still looking for something. I have implemented Jitsi in React JS using below example:


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