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React Native FlatList Rendering

I'm new to RN and i have some issue with rendering items from API with flatlist. I use pagination from server to return 10 items per request and loadMore function for changing page and retrive new data. The problem is when i scroll few times(4-5 pages) i get this error and i'm confused how to fix it. I will be very thankful if someone can provide me fix. Thanks in advance! 在此处输入图像描述

here is my API fetch function =>

    export const fetchProducts = (page) => {
  return async (dispatch) => {
    try {
      await fetch(SITE_URL + products + `&page=${page}` + '&per_page=12' + AUTH_PARAMS)
        .then((res) => res.json())
        .then((json) => dispatch(fetchingProductsSuccess(json)));
    } catch (err) {

here is my flatList =>

              data={data || []}
              keyExtractor={(item, index) => {
                return `${item.name}-${index}`;
              renderItem={({ item }) => {
                return this._renderItem(item);
              onEndReached={() => this.loadMoreData()}

here is render item function =>

_renderItem(item) {
    return (
      <View style={styles.containerP}>
        <Image style={styles.image} source={{ uri: item.images[0].woocommerce_thumbnail }} />
        <Text numberOfLines={1} style={styles.name}>
        {item.regular_price !== '' && item.price + '' !== item.regular_price + '' ? (
          <View style={styles.prices}>
            <Text style={styles.price_discounted}>{item.regular_price}лв</Text>
            <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>
        ) : (
          <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>

and loadMore function =>

  loadMoreData() {
    const { fetching_from_server, isListEnd } = this.state;
    if (!fetching_from_server && !isListEnd) {
      this.setState({ fetching_from_server: true }, () => {

It looks like some of your items are missing images. Try adding a check to make sure an image exists for each item. Something like this should work:

_renderItem(item) {
  return (
    <View style={styles.containerP}>
      {item.images && item.images.length ? (
          source={{uri: item.images[0].woocommerce_thumbnail}}
      ) : null}

      <Text numberOfLines={1} style={styles.name}>
      {item.regular_price !== '' &&
      item.price + '' !== item.regular_price + '' ? (
        <View style={styles.prices}>
          <Text style={styles.price_discounted}>{item.regular_price}лв</Text>
          <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>
      ) : (
        <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>

To explain the error you are seeing a little further. item.images is expected to be an array of objects but if there are no images then item.images[0] will be undefined. You then try access the object property woocommerce_thumbnail but item.images[0] is undefined so you get the "undefined is not an object" error.

Ciao, seems that your item in _renderItem is undefined (error says "undefined is not an object"). So you can easly solved by doing something like:

_renderItem(item) {
    return (
      {item &&
      <View style={styles.containerP}>
        <Image style={styles.image} source={{ uri: item.images[0].woocommerce_thumbnail }} />
        <Text numberOfLines={1} style={styles.name}>
        {item.regular_price !== '' && item.price + '' !== item.regular_price + '' ? (
          <View style={styles.prices}>
            <Text style={styles.price_discounted}>{item.regular_price}лв</Text>
            <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>
        ) : (
          <Text style={styles.price}>{item.price}лв</Text>

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