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On the success of the function change the color of the td

In the table's td, I have a ternary conditional operation, which will define whether the td is bold or normal, as shown below:

tbody.append( $('') .append($(`<td class="td-info table__content" data-heading="Assunto" data-alerta="${ Ida }, ${ Paraa }" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][2])) )

If the td is in bold and if the user clicks on the line I want it to be the normal color without updating the table.

For this I am trying this way:

function marld(){
    var ite_id = []; //arraypara armazenar os id's a serem deletados
    $(".colorir").each(function(){ //percorre todos os tr que possui a classe colorir
     ite_id.push($(this).find(".td-info").attr("data-alerta")); //adiciona o id da linha ao array

        url: './marcaler',
        type: 'POST',
        cache: false,
        data: {ite_id:ite_id},
        error: function(){

        success: function(result)
          var self = this;
            if(result != ''){
                $(self).css("font-weight", "normal")

If you do console.log (result); clicking will return "1" .

If you do console.log (self); clicking on returns {url: "./marcaler", type: "POST", isLocal: false, global: true, processData: true, ...} but does not change the color of the bold to normal.

tbody complete:

        $('<tr class="table__row">')
            .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="De" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][1]))
            .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Tipo" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][8]))
            .append($(`<td class="td-info table__content" data-heading="Assunto" data-alerta="${ Ida }, ${ Paraa }" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][2]))
            .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Conteúdo" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][3]))
            .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Estado" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][4]))
            .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Recebido" onclick="marld();" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][5]))

Looking at your updated question, this looks a lot like a use-case for event delegation, if you're putting the same handler ( marld ) on every td in the table. (Or on every td.td-info in the table, etc.)

In that case, remove the onclick="marld()" from the td s and use a single handler on the tbody , like this:

tbody.on("click", "td", marld);

or if they all have td-info , be more precise:

tbody.on("click", "td.td-info", marld);

jQuery will respond to clicks that bubble to the tbody from its contents by checking to see if the click passed through a td / td.td-info and, if so, calling marld with this set to the td that the click passed through.

But if you don't want to use event delegation, readon.

Instead of using an old-style onxyz -attribute event handler, create the td and use modern event handling to hook up the marld function; there's also no reason for the $('').append(...) :

const td = $(`<td class="td-info table__content" data-heading="Assunto" data-alerta="${ Ida }, ${ Paraa }" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`);
td.on("click", marld);

Then, in marld this will refer to that td , so use that in your success handler. To make sure this isn't set by the caller, use an arrow function, not a traditional function:

function marld(){
    var ite_id = []; //arraypara armazenar os id's a serem deletados
    $(".colorir").each(function(){ //percorre todos os tr que possui a classe colorir
     ite_id.push($(this).find(".td-info").attr("data-alerta")); //adiciona o id da linha ao array

        url: './marcaler',
        type: 'POST',
        cache: false,
        data: {ite_id:ite_id},
        error: function(){

        success: (result) => // *** Arrow function
            if(result != ''){
                $(this).css("font-weight", "normal") // *** Use `this`

Re your updated question, you'd hook up marld to those multiple td s by just calling .on on them after appending everything, like this:

    $('<tr class="table__row">')
        .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="De" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][1]).on("click", mar1ld))
// −−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
        .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Tipo" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][8]).on("click", mar1ld))
        .append($(`<td class="td-info table__content" data-heading="Assunto" data-alerta="${ Ida }, ${ Paraa }" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][2]).on("click", mar1ld))
        .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Conteúdo" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][3]).on("click", mar1ld))
        .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Estado" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][4]).on("click", mar1ld))
        .append($(`<td class="table__content" data-heading="Recebido" style="font-weight: ${ Stat != '0' ? 'bold' : 'normal' }; font-size: 90%">`).append(data[i][5]).on("click", mar1ld))

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