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VM missing in Azure portal

I created an Ubuntu server vm using Visual Studio Subscription, 5 days ago. It is not a spot instance. I am able to ssh/rdp into it, and can also see it is billed daily, so I know it is up. However, I cannot find the VM on the list of virtual machines. The list is empty.

The issue is similar to this question, where the accepted answer suggests it is a known issue and either to clear the browser cache (did not work) or to send a request to Microsoft support (requires $29/month support subscription). Googling the issue, it seems the issue was present as early as 2014 , so surely Microsoft has fixed it by now.

This happens a lot to my cloud users... Make sure your subscription filter for your view is selecting all available subscriptions. While you're there, clear any filters on the view.

I've also seen this happen once when the user who created the resource left the company. We needed a super-admin to update the resource owner to someone currently at the company.


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