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React-Native upgrade for iOS: options

  • I am planning to upgrade the react-native from 0.51 to 0.62 for the iOS platform. Typically what is the duration it takes for an upgrade?

  • Can I carry out a staggered upgrade? Just to upgrade the react-native to the latest version and libraries to be upgraded later.

  • I can live with deprecated API if it doesn't break existing functionality or doesn't have performance issues.

Which is a better way: one version at a time or one portion of code at a time?

You can get more insights about amount of work that's in front of you with upgrade helper: https://react-native-community.github.io/upgrade-helper/?from=0.51.0&to=0.62.0

The best possible way is: Copy and create a new repository(git master). and carry out a direct upgrade to latest version.

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