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Quasar popup calendar to show current date

I need a little help with getting a Quasar vue popup q-date to default to show the current date. I can hard coded any date and it works fine but I can't get it to work for a variable of current date. I have a small sample code at

<div id="q-app">
  <div class="q-pa-md" style="max-width: 300px">
    <q-input filled v-model="date" mask="##/##/####" :rules="[checkDate]">
      <template v-slot:append>
        <q-icon name="event" class="cursor-pointer">
          <q-popup-proxy ref="qDateProxy" transition-show="scale" transition-hide="scale">
            <q-date v-model="date" @input="() => $refs.qDateProxy.hide()"  mask="MM/DD/YYYY"></q-date>

Codepen Example

I figured out what I needed.
I had to add


and in the getCurrentDate I had to set

  this.date = Today;

Put getCurrentDate method to data's date value for default.


and place this in the script date: Date.now()

<q-date today-btn v-model="date" @input="() => $refs.qDateProxy.hide()" mask="MM/DD/YYYY" >

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