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TouchableOpacity onPress not working(emulator test)

So just getting started with react-native . I have a stateful component built as below:

class LoginView extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
  this.state = {
  inProgress: false

  inProgress: true

render() {
 return (
  <View style={styles.mainContainer}>
    <View style={styles.loginContainer}>
      <TextInput style={styles.input} placeholder="Password" />
      <TouchableOpacity style={styles.button} onPress={() => this.processLogin()}>
        {!this.state.inProgress && <Text style={styles.button_text}>Log in</Text>}/>}

As you can see, i am binding the onPress event of the touchable opacity to the function processLogin . But for some reason, the function isn't fired!

The state doesn't change, also tried console.log but didn't fire either. Made sure that TouchableOpacity is imported from React-Native .

I am guessing that i messed up the binding. Any leads would be appreciated!

Note: Have only been trying this in the emulator, not in a real device yet.

instead of using the arrow function on onPress prop, use it when you are declaring the business function processLogin So concretly, replace the declaration of this method by:

processLogin = () => {
        inProgress : true

Then on onPress method, just change make it like this:

onPress = {this.processLogin}

Contrarily, you refer to the wrong this Hope it's gonna help you sir Regards.

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