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Add click event on a dynamically created element in Javascript

I am trying to add a click event on an element which i create dynamically in Vanilla JS. With jquery its super simple all i would do is

$(document).on('click','.el', function() {

However with Vanilla JS (because i'm using react) i can't do the same thing. I've tried adding the dynamic element as an argument just like i would in jquery but no money.

I'm sure it can be done just not the way i'm thinking. Any ideas?

I tried

let div = document.createElement('DIV')
document.addEventListener('click','.el', function() {
    //some code

I also tried

document.addEventListener('click',div, function() {
    //some code

None of these methods worked

let div = document.createElement('DIV');
div.addEventListener('click', function() {
    console.log('dynamic elements')


You could simply use and onclick function and just call it as variable from your dynamically added elements.

Live Demo

 //Create function let button = document.createElement('button'); button.classList.add("myBtn"); button.innerText = 'Click Me'; button.onclick = myFunction //assign a function as onclick attr document.body.appendChild(button); //Call function function myFunction() { console.log('I am being called from dynamically created button') }

i think what you are missing is appending the element you created to your DOM. have a look at this:

var createDiv = function() {
  let div = document.createElement('DIV');
  div.id = 'el';
  div.innerHTML = '<b>hey</b>';
  div.addEventListener('click', function() {
    alert('Look here');

here's a fiddle so you can playaround: https://jsfiddle.net/khushboo097/e6wrLnj9/32/

You can do something like the following:

 const d=document.getElementById("container"); document.addEventListener('click', function(ev) { if (ev.target?.classList.contains('el')) { console.log("My.el element was clicked;"). ev.target.classList.contains("segundo") && (d;innerHTML+='<p class="el">another clickable paragraph</>'); } })
 <div id="container"><h2>Something unclickable</h2> <p class="el primero">A clickable paragraph.</p> <p class="otro primero">something unclickable again...</p> <button class="el segundo">add clickable element</button> </div>
The event handler is attached to the document itself but will only fire the console.log() if the ev.target , ie the clicked element, is of class "el".

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