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How can I generate access error and error message, leaving user on the page?

In laravel / jquery apps if I need to make checks if user is logged I make in controller:

$loggedUser = Auth::user();
if ( empty($loggedUser->id) ) {
    return response()->json(['error_code'=> 1, 'message'=> "You must be logged!"],HTTP_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

as I do not need to leave the user from the page, but only restrict some functionality I show error message above using bootstrapGrowl library. Now with laravel 7 /livewire 1.3 / turbolinks:5 / alpine@v2 I search how can I generate error and show similar error message, leaving user on the page?


Let me explain it with detailed example: In laravel / jquery apps I have in JS code:

var quiz_quality_radio= $('input[name=quiz_quality_radio]:checked').val()
var href = this_frontend_home_url + "/make-quiz-quality";
$.ajax( {
    type: "POST",
    dataType: "json",
    url: href,
    data: {"quiz_quality_id": quiz_quality_radio, "vote_id": this_vote_id, "_token": this_csrf_token},
    success: function( response )
        $('input[name=quiz_quality_radio]:checked').prop('checked', false);
        popupAlert("Thank you for rating ! Your rate was added!", 'success')
    error: function( error )
        $('input[name=quiz_quality_radio]:checked').prop('checked', false);
        popupAlert(error.responseJSON.message, 'danger') // 'info', 'success'

and relative action in control:

public function make_quiz_quality(Request $request)
    $requestData     = $request->all();
    $quiz_quality_id = ! empty($requestData['quiz_quality_id']) ? $requestData['quiz_quality_id'] : '';
    $vote_id         = ! empty($requestData['vote_id']) ? $requestData['vote_id'] : '';

    if ( ! Auth::check()) {
        return response()->json(['message' => "To rate you must login to the system !"], HTTP_RESPONSE_BAD_REQUEST);
    if (empty($quiz_quality_id)) {
        return response()->json([
            'message'         => "To rate you must select quiz quality !",
            'quiz_quality_id' => $quiz_quality_id
        ], HTTP_RESPONSE_OK);

    $vote = Vote::find($vote_id);
    if ($vote === null) {
        return response()->json([ 'message' => "Vote Item # " . $vote_id . " not found !"],HTTP_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND);
    $loggedUser = Auth::user();

    $found_count = QuizQualityResult
        ::getByVoteIdAndUserId($vote_id, $loggedUser->id)
    if ($found_count > 0) {
        return response()->json(['message' => "You have already rated '" . $vote->name . "' # vote !", 'vote_id' => $vote_id],

    $newVoteItemUsersResult = new QuizQualityResult();
    try {
        $newVoteItemUsersResult->quiz_quality_id = $quiz_quality_id;
        $newVoteItemUsersResult->vote_id         = $vote_id;
        $newVoteItemUsersResult->user_id         = $loggedUser->id;

    } catch (Exception $e) {

        return response()->json(['message' => $e->getMessage(), 'voteCategory' => null], HTTP_RESPONSE_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);

    return response()->json(['message' => '', 'id' => $newVoteItemUsersResult->id], HTTP_RESPONSE_OK_RESOURCE_CREATED);
} //     public function make_quiz_quality(Request $request)

and in case of error generated in error block I show message with function popupAlert (implemented with bootstrapGrowl), without leaving the page. That is what I want to make in livewire / turbolinks / alpine app. How can I do it?


That is just listing of items user can vote for:

<div class="table-responsive">
    <table class="table text-primary">
        @foreach($quizQualityOptions as $key=>$next_quiz_quality_option)
                    <input class="" type="radio" name="quiz_quality_radio" id="quiz_quality_radio_{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}" value="{{ $key }}">
                    <label class="col-form-label" for="quiz_quality_radio_{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}">{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}</label>

<div class="row p-3">
    <a class="btn btn-primary a_link" onclick="javascript:frontendVote.MakeQuizQuality()">Rate !</a>

with 2 restrictions:

  1. User must be logged
  2. Any logged user can vote only once these 2 errors were genarated at server.


I found decision with using of axios, like:

    <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-sm m-2 ml-4 mr-4 action_link" @click.prevent="submitNewTodo()">

submitNewTodo() {
    let is_insert= 1
    let current_toto_id= 1
        method: (is_insert ? 'post' : 'patch'),
        url: '/api/todos' + (!is_insert ? "/" + current_toto_id : ''),
        data: {
            text : this.new_todo_text,
            priority : this.new_todo_priority
    }).then((response) => {
        this.new_todo_text= ''
        this.new_todo_priority= ''
        popupAlert( 'Todo ' + (is_insert ? 'added' : 'updated') + ' successfully !', 'success' )
    }).catch((error) => {
        var validationErrors= convertObjectToArray(error.response.data.errors.text)
        this.validation_errors_text= ''
        validationErrors.map((next_error, index) => {
            if(next_error && typeof next_error[1] != "undefined" ) {
                this.validation_errors_text += '<li>'+next_error[1]+'</li>'



With it I show message both on success and failure as I need but I see big disadvantage with it as I use livewire and I would like to use livewire here, if that is possible... Hope I explained what I want clearly...


With Alpine.js and axios you could do something like this, note that I'm not sure whether or not this_frontend_home_url , this_vote_id and this_csrf_token will be defined.

<div x-data="quiz()">
    <div class="table-responsive">
      <table class="table text-primary">
        @foreach($quizQualityOptions as $key=>$next_quiz_quality_option)
            <input x-model="selected_quiz" class="" type="radio" name="quiz_quality_radio"
              id="quiz_quality_radio_{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}" value="{{ $key }}">
            <label class="col-form-label"
              for="quiz_quality_radio_{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}">{{ $next_quiz_quality_option }}</label>

    <div class="row p-3">
      <a class="btn btn-primary a_link" @click="submitQuizQuality()">Rate !</a>
  function quiz() {
    return {
      selected_quiz: null,
      submitQuizQuality() {
        const url = this_frontend_home_url + "/make-quiz-quality";
        axios.post(url, {
          quiz_quality_id: this.selected_quiz,
          vote_id: this_vote_id, // no idea where this is coming from,
          _token: this_csrf_token // no idea where this is coming from
        }).then(() => {
          // reset "checked" state
          this.selected_quiz = null;
          popupAlert("Thank you for rating ! Your rate was added!", 'success');
        }).catch(error => {
          // reset "checked" state
          this.selected_quiz = null;
          if (error && error.response) {
            popupAlert(error.response.message, 'danger')

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