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Powershell script does not run via Task Scheduler

PowerShell script runs fine manually, but doesn't run in Task scheduler. The script:

$env:CLIENTNAME | Out-File C:\Users\tst5clj\Desktop\folder\log.txt -Append

I tried another command($env:COMPUTERNAME) and works fine both manually and via PowerShell.

If you want to run a.ps1 script from a scheduled task, your task's action should be configured as follows (at a minimum)

  • Action: Start a program
  • Program/script: powershell.exe
  • Add arguments (optional): -executionpolicy bypass -file "{Absolute}\{Path}\{To}\script.ps1"

And your script.ps1 can run whatever code you need.

# Setup for example
$env:CLIENTNAME = 'Contoso'

$env:CLIENTNAME | Out-File "$PSScriptRoot\log.txt"

Here's a similar Q&A: How to execute PowerShell script on Task Scheduler?

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